My sister came to visit last week which made me so happy. I hate living so far away from her, she is my best friend! A few years ago, her and her husband Nate moved away (they lived in SF when I moved here) and now live in Bozeman, MT. When we get together, we can be quite ridiculous. Nate finally gave up calling both of our names when we are together and now just yells out Julifer and we both shut up and turn around to listen.
She is 4 months pregnant which made the trip even more exciting. 1) I got to see her baby bump and 2) we got to go shopping for maternity and baby clothes!!
We also ATE ALOT!
And organized/put together/decorated my new apartment.
Here are a few pics from the visit.
Not one, but two trips to Japan town!

Our typical breakfast

The "before" shoot the night she came

Shopping for Jennifer (yes, she has a fake bump in there!)

Shopping for the baby peanut

A drive to the beach (as she is land locked in Montana)

And then a trip to the Japanese Tea Garden where we walked around and drank some yummy tea!

Missing pictures included trying to load up the car at ikea, putting together the ikea pieces, organizing my closet and trying (and failing) to hang a larger shelf in the closet. :)
Come back, Jennifer! I miss you already!
Oh Man what a great post. I miss you too. I'm so glad we got to spend time together before the baby arrives. We worked hard and played hard I'd say (well, as much as a pregnant lady can). The belly is getting bigger and on Friday hopefully we find out boy or girl!
Thanks for the good times in SF! You're my best friend too. :)
Ha! I had to do a double take on your pregnant sister, thinking it was YOU! ;)
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