Monday, April 12, 2010

when life gives you lemons...

make lemon aid. And BOY, It's going to be some SWEET lemon aid when I am done!!

One big lemon is my car. It basically went to the shitter and the cost to repair it is just under $3K. My car is only worth maybe $4K! While I am happy to see it go (we had our issues over the last 6 years, oh jetta), I wish it had been on MY time and not when i least expected it. Don't get me wrong, I like change, and i know change is good, but changing my "home" and my car both unexpectedly and not planned is not my preference. BUT I know i will be stronger after I get through it all. This truly is a test God is putting me through, and i need to embrace that and learn and grow through this. What a challenge!

And because every post should have a picture... I decided to post this one from Montana. Jen took me to the "cowboy store" where they had little baby chickens and ducks for sale. It made me want to have a yard/a farm so i could raise one!


strawberrylove said...

Oh no you don't want to get chickens or ducks, they never shut up... trust me. sorry to hear about the car, but i swear jetta's have a curse on them. mine was a piece of *$&(*(&$(&#%&^!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kelsey c. said...

ya, you and Christy had the exact same car, and they both always had problems!

cute pic!

juli johnson said...

I am NEVER going to get a Jetta again! POS is right!


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